He left a career in teaching to take up a position with the Arts Council 他辞去教学工作到艺术委员会任职。
He could be depended on to take a moderate position on most of the key issues 他应该会在大部分关键问题上采取中间立场。
Our American partners, unlike what was happening in recent years have taken a pause and now they will formulate and take a final position. 我们的美国伙伴,与过去几年的做法有所不同的是,他们已经暂停下来。现在他们将重新规划,并确定最后的立场。
Cocky and conceited people tend to take a position and then proclaim, bluster, and totally disregard differing opinions or points of view. 自大逞能的人习惯先选择立场,然后宣告、夸口,完全忽视其他不同的观点。
Still, 'It seems like a moment in time where the big brands are choosing to take a public position for sustainability,' said Michael Lenihan, director of sales and customer relations at International Paper. 不过,似乎现在大品牌都选择站在公众立场来关注可持续发展,InternationalPaper销售与客户关系总监迈克尔?勒尼汉(MichaelLenihan)说。
The White House also faces mounting pressure from Congress to take a tougher position with China. 白宫还面临国会越来越大的压力,要求对中国采取更强硬的立场。
Other countries take a different position. 其他的国家持相反的立场。
A high-flying US lawyer, this month she deviated from the traditional legal career path to leave Rio Tinto and take up a position as director of strategy at CPA global. 这位成功且胸怀大志的美国律师上月脱离了传统的法律职业道路,离开力拓并出任cpaglobal战略总监一职。
Your thesis should take a position and imply that someone might argue against your point. 你的文章必须有论点,足以与持不同意见者辩论。
As more of you take up a position of projecting the positive energies all around you, so it is transmuting the energy of fear that is still prevalent upon the Earth. 随著地球上更多人开始在周围投射出正面的爱的能量,这将使得那些目前还普遍存在的恐惧能量得到转化。
We need to view our relations from a strategic and long-term perspective, take a responsible position towards history, and conduct dialogue and consultation with sincerity and trust. 只要我们从战略高度、以长远眼光和对历史负责的态度,有诚意有信心,进行对话协商,双方之间存在的问题总是可以找到妥善解决的办法。
I'll see you can take a position at airista and make your father happy. 我明白你就能在阿里斯塔继续工作,让你父亲开心。
The US should take a leadership position in the next phase of Kyoto, he says. 他表示:美国应该在下一个阶段的《京都议定书》中占据领导地位。
On Monday, after weeks of failing to take a position on the debt debacle, the former Massachusetts governor said he would not support the deal hatched by the White House and Republicans to raise the debt ceiling in the 11th hour. 罗姆尼数周以来都未能阐明对于债务上限谈判的立场,但他在周一却表示,不支持白宫和共和党人在最后一刻达成的提高债务上限的妥协。
They take a position of conscience, and say that this is a bad law. 他们采取凭良心行事的立场,说这是一项徒具空名的法律。
The trouble with intellectuals who take a middle position is that they waver, do not have a clear orientation and sometimes even lose their bearings. 中间派知识分子犯的错误就是动摇,看不清楚方向,一个时候迷失方向。
However, this negative influence does not take a leading position compared with the positive one. 不过,相对于积极影响而言,这种消极影响并不占主导地位。
It's also not the time to take a new position, hire help, close on a house, or make any other big life decisions-not yet! 也不要在此期间接受新的职位,雇佣帮手,买卖房屋或者作出其他大决定&还不是时候!
And if it's just an announcement about something, people feel they've got to take a position on it. 一旦出现了只言片语的公开消息,人们会觉得自己已经对此了如指掌。
She fills the position left vacant with the departure of Yongwei Zhang who left the University to take a position with Rutgers University in New Jersey. 她填补了原中国中心主任张永维离任前往新泽西州罗戈斯大学工作之后的空缺。
If you take a new position in one of these industries, you are poised to do very well. 如果你能在这些行业找到新职位,你会安然自若的做得很好。
He was asked to take a leadihg position in the county government. 他仍要求他在县政府担任一个领导职务。
He turned down an offer from Ms Gillard to take up a position in a new ministry dedicated to regional Australia. 他拒绝了由她吉拉德表示愿意承担在专门区域澳大利亚是一个新部的立场。
ASA does not take a position on capital punishment, as this is not the practice of medicine. ASA对于死刑惩罚与政府并不一致,因为这并非医学范畴。
However, he said the bloc has forced the government to take a position. 但是魁人党令政府不得不采取这一立场。
You need to take a different position. 你需要找一个不同的地点。
A newspaper has the right-the duty even-to assume an attitude, to take a position. 报纸有权利,甚至有责任持有某种态度,采取某一立场。
In our Party there are people who prefer to be on the "Left", and then there are also quite a few who prefer to be on the Right or to take a position right of centre. 我们党内不但有喜欢左的,也有不少喜欢右的,或者中间偏右,都是不好的。
The agency's staff did not take a position on whether Avastin should be approved for breast cancer. 食物与药品管理局这位工作人员没有就阿瓦斯汀能否成为乳腺癌治疗用药表态。
This dissertation also attempts to take a position on three research types of problems derived from panpoetry: on Western poetry, on Chinese and Western poetry comparision, and on fundamental poetic theory. 本论文还尝试着对因泛诗而衍生的西方诗歌研究、中西诗歌比较研究和诗歌基本理论研究方面的种种问题阐明自己的观点。